Board Review: Internal Medicine
A 75 yo female with hypothyroidism presents to the ED with lethargy. She is hypothermic, hypotensive, and bradycardic. Further testing reveals hyponatremia and hypoglycemia.
A 75 yo female with hypothyroidism presents to the ED with lethargy. She is hypothermic, hypotensive, and bradycardic. Further testing reveals hyponatremia and hypoglycemia.
A 5 year old boy presents to the ED with epistaxis in the setting of a recent respiratory illness. On exam you note a diffuse petechial rash with scattered bruises and the child appears mildly fatigued. Her vital signs are normal. Her blood work reveals a normal WBC and Hgb however platelets are 9,000.
30 year old with past medical history of an ovarian cyst who presents with palpitations and confusion.
You’re working in the ICU overnight and a patient is admitted from the ED for sepsis. Patient has a past medical history of DM, HTN, COPD.
45-year-old female presents to the Emergency Department with worsening shortness of breath over the past two days.
A 60 year old male with a history of CHF s/p LVAD presents to the ED with fatigue. You are called to triage because although he is awake and speaking, the RN can’t find a pulse or obtain a blood pressure. You auscultate a hum over the device. What do you do?
A 50 yo female with a history of gout and seizures presents to the ED with malaise. On exam you notice an erythematous, confluent, macular rash seen below as well as significant facial edema. Lymphadenopathy is present. VS are as follows: T 100.F HR 105 BP 150/85 SpO2 99% RR 18.
30 year old male with past medical history of asthma p/w rash onset one week ago. Rash has been worsening throughout the past week. It was initially isolated to the upper extremities but now has spread to the legs as well. It is described as “itchy”. Patient has not tried any medication for symptoms.
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