How to avoid intubation in a Sympathetic Crashing Acute Pulmonary Edema (S.C.A.P.E.) patient
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Submitted by Kara Huston, MD

Do you use tranexamic acid (TXA) for epistaxis? This week, Dr. Sarab Sodhi reviews some literature on the use of TXA in the bleeding patient while focusing on the specific question of TXA use in epistaxis.
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Can cheap, safe infusions of vitamins really succeed where so many hundreds of novel therapies have failed? The recent article in Chest by Dr. Paul Merik has taken the critical care world by storm, with reported mortality rates of 8.5% in patients treated with a simple vitamin C/thiamine cocktail (with none of the deaths directly attributable to sepsis). The skepticism and push-back have been nearly unprecedented, especially on #FOAMed. Whether you're a skeptic or an early adopter, you need to understand the basis for the debate by checking out this high-yield summary.
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This post is not intended to be a comprehensive review of skull fracture types and management, but rather a discussion of two subtypes of skull fracture – open and depressed fractures. I chose this topic because it’s something I saw frequently during my recent elective working in an emergency department in Kumasi, Ghana. In the United States at trauma centers these patients are frequently managed immediately by neurosurgery; however, with few consultants available, I was able to be more involved in the prolonged care of these patients. If faced with these types of severe head/skull injuries in a community hospital, it is important to feel comfortable with the initial management.
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In the spirit of CORD 2017 which just passed, check out this great bank of oral board simulation cases from the Council of Emergency Medicine Residency Directors!
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Patients with cerebellar hemorrhage are more likely to have rapidly progressive symptoms and may require more aggressive interventions than patients with other forms of intra-cerebral hemorrhage
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Looking for some high yield ocular trauma pearls? This week during our HEENT module, Dr. Karthik Muthuswamy provided us multiple leaning points we can apply to our next patient suffering from ocular trauma.
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Patient fell on an outstretched hand and presents with arm pain, what’s the diagnosis and how should you treat him?
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Chief Complaint: Finger infection. Gosh, I hope it’s only a paronychia. Oh no…it’s a felon! How do I drain those again??
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Submitted by Stephanie Wilsey, MD