Review the basics on the can't miss diagnosis of compartment syndrome in 2 minutes.
Read moreSubmitted by Katherine Moore, MD
Hemodialysis is indicated at which serum lithium level in patients with acute lithium toxicity with evidence of renal insufficiency?
Read moreConsider postioning your patient with their HOB elevated on your next intubation.
Read moreSubmitted by Haney Mallemat, MD
Have you ever attemped a trigger point injection to improve your patient's musculoskeletal pain? Did it help? This week for his Critically Appraised Topic, Dr. John Cafaro investigated some of the literature on the effectiveness of trigger point injections for patients suffering from musculoskeletal pain.
Read moreSubmitted by John Cafaro MD
25 year-old female presents following a fall from her horse 5 days ago. She complains of severe pain in the radial aspect of her right wrist and has no other injuries. Plain films at an outside ED immediately following the injury were negative and repeat plain films are shown here. What’s the diagnosis?
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Do you routinely perform large volume (or near large volume) paracentesis in your ED? If so, you need to know about a potentially life-threatening complication of this procedure...
Read moreSubmitted by Eric Gruber, MD
Are all modes of non-invasive positive pressure ventilation (NIPPV) created equal for the treatment of acute cardiogenic pulmonary edema? Perhaps not.
Read moreSubmitted by Blake Siglock, MD
An 80 year old male with history of hypertension, IDDM, and CML presents with acute onset confusion and left-sided weakness. The patient has no signs of trauma and is currently afebrile.
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