
Advanced Practice - Paracentesis-induced circulatory dysfunction (PICD)

Do you routinely perform large volume (or near large volume) paracentesis in your ED? If so, you need to know about a potentially life-threatening complication of this procedure...

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Back to Basics: Lower GI Bleeds

What may appear (and smell) impressive in the ED does not always require emergent intervention, yet understanding how to determine the severity of lower gastrointestinal bleeding, need for aggressive resuscitation, and diagnostic/consultant resources are key for the emergency provider.

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Why We Do It: Medical Management of Acute Upper GI Bleed from Peptic Ulcer Bleeding

The acute medical management of an upper GI bleed from peptic ulcer bleeding includes both hallmark and emerging medical therapies with which any Emergency Physician should be intimately familiar. Many of these therapies are adopted recommendations from our Gastroenterology colleagues who ultimately perform emergent/non-emergent endoscopy on these patients. To understand why Gastroenterologists think the way they do, here is a review of these specific therapies along with the evidence behind them.

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