
Critical Cases: Not Just an Ankle Sprain! Demystifying the Maisonneuve Fracture

Independently interpreting plain film imaging is an essential skill for the Emergency Medicine provider. Among the most notorious of injuries likely to be missed is the Maisonneuve fracture. In this post we demonstrate the "can't miss" imaging findings to ensure that you don't make the mistake of thinking this is "just an ankle sprain!"

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Back to Basics: Shock in Trauma

An unconscious 35 y/o male presents from the scene of a motor vehicle versus pedestrian accident.  The patient is intubated and hypotensive but there is no source of external bleeding. FAST is negative. Blood products are given with no response. CT imaging shows no evidence of bleeding. What should you consider?


Direct Measurement of Compartment Pressure Using a Stryker Device

Acute compartment syndrome is a surgical emergency.  Measurements of compartment pressures are an important adjunct to making the diagnosis. Check out this post for a video demonstration on how to operate the Stryker Device

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What’s the Diagnosis? By Dr. Loran Hatch

20 yo male presents to the ED with left hip pain after MVC PTA. Patient was restrained back seat passenger, no LOC. Patient appears very uncomfortable on stretcher, with left leg propped on rolled blanket. Tenderness at left hip but no obvious deformity. LLE with DP pulses 2+, sensation intact, will wiggles toes.

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