
What's the Diagnosis? By Dr. Eric Chavis

72 yo M w/ PMHx of HTN, HLD, CKD (not on dialysis), DM and CAD presents to the ED with scrotal pain x 1 week. He is concerned that he has an "abcess" and wanted to be checked. A CT is done and shown below. What's the diagnosis? (scroll down for answer)







Answer: Fournier's Gangrene

Category (Day): 

What's the Diagnosis? By Dr. Abby Renko

A 50 yo M w/ hx of HIV and IVDU presents to the ED w/ progressively worsening L UE pain and swelling x 2 weeks. He is febrile w/ a temp of 101.1, HR 110 and BP 96/62. On exam, his L upper arm is diffusely swollen, erythematous, tender and warm to to touch.  A CT of his L UE was obtained and shown below.  What's the diagnosis?  (scroll down for answer)




Answer:  L deltoid muscle abscess

Category (Day): 

What's the Diagnosis? By Dr. Abby Renko

A 64 y/o M presents to the ED after being ejected off his motorcycle as the car in front of him stopped abruptly. He denies LOC or amnesia, not on blood thinners, but complaining of dyspnea. Initial VS are as follows: BP 140/90, HR 105, SpO2 84% on RA, Temp 34C, RR 22. On arrival, you obtain a STAT CXR, which is shown below. What's the diagnosis?

Category (Day): 
