
What's the Diagnosis? By Dr. Rebecca Fieles

A 44 yo M presents to the ED w/ L foot and ankle pain. He was running and stepped into a hole, stating he heard a "crack". He has been unable to bear weight since the injury. On exam, he has swelling and marked bony tenderness of both the lateral and medial malleoli and heel. Xrays of the L foot were obtained. What's the diagnosis? (scroll down for answer)



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What's the Diagnosis? By Dr. Valeria Wu

A 55 yo M presents to the ED w/ thumb pain following an MVC. He states his car spun out of control and he felt the steering wheel slam into the webspace between his thumb and 2nd digit. Pain and swelling have worsened since the time of the accident. An xray is done and shown below. What's the diagnosis? (scroll down for answer)



Answer: Carpometacarpal dislocation of first digit

Category (Day): 

What's the Diagnosis? By Dr. Patrice Baptista

A 4 yo M presents to Urgent Care with R shoulder pain after a fall off his bed. Father denies any head trauma or other injury. On exam, he has decreased ROM at the R shoulder and tenderness and ecchymosis along the distal/mid clavicle. Neurovascular exam is normal. An xray is done and shown below. What's the diagnosis?  (scroll down for answer) 




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