Angela Ugorets, MD

Critical Cases - Boerhaave's Syndrome Emergency!

A patient boarding in the emergency department begins decompensating after a profound fit of retching and vomiting. Blood pressure is dropping and o2 sats are eyeball the patient from the door and he looks severely ill. No time to page the floor team...time to dive in and resuscitate!

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Critical Cases - Swollen 2 year old!

A 2 yo female presentes with parents with complaints of "whole body swelling" noted over days. You panic slightly as you reach for possible differentia diagnoses to explain this perplexing symptom and are struck by a distant memory of your peds rotation from medical school, or perhaps a flash of a memory staring at your Robbins textbook of pathophysiology.....

Category (Day): 

Critical Cases - CO and Cyanide toxicity!

EMS calls ahead to report a 73 yo female with active CPR in progress after being pulled from a housefire. As you run to prepare you resus room, you wrack your brain for everything you know about smoke inhalation victims. Aren't there some toxicology concerns here? Good thing you read this quick refresher on EMDaily!

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