Back to Basics: Chest Tubes Editor: Alexis Pelletier-Bui, MD"Put in a chest tube." Great. But which type of tube? Dr. Adorno's got you covered. Kristen Adorno, MDTags: chest tubetraumapigtailpneumothoraxMon, 03/02/2020 - 5:35amTopic: Critical CareProceduresTraumaCategory (Day): Monday
Back to Basics: Chest Tube Insertion Editor: Alexis Pelletier-Bui, MDCatherine Ginty, MDMaster placement of surgical chest tubes with these simple tips and tricks. Katherine Moore, MDTags: chest tubeinsertionprocedurespneumothoraxhemothoraxMon, 05/22/2017 - 5:00amTopic: ProceduresTraumaCategory (Day): Monday