Internal Medicine

#EMconf - COPD management pearls!

You are caring for a sick patient with an acute COPD exacerbation. What O2 sat should you target? What meds should you give? If you have to intubate, what are the issues you'll have to deal with? This week we glean some valuable management pearls for the management acute COPD exacerbations from this month's Internal Medicine module at Cooper.

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Back to Basics: Chondrocalcinosis & Pseudogout


Ever notice calcium deposition on an xray and wondered what it meant? Ever read a radiology report that indicated chondrocalcinosis? Check out below for a few pearls related to chondrocalcinosis & pseudogout.

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The Basics of Bell's

Always looking up the clinical findings of a central vs. peripheral CN VII palsy? Wondering who to treat and who not to treat? Well...this post is for you! Click to read more about the basics of a Bell's Palsy!

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