#EMconf: Knee Dislocation
Read ahead for pearls on an uncommon diagnosis: Knee (tibiofemoral) dislocation
Read ahead for pearls on an uncommon diagnosis: Knee (tibiofemoral) dislocation
For the final week of our cardiology module, Dr. Lisa Filippone presented a great case. A 24 y.o. male playing basketball developed palpitations, lightheadedness, dizziness and almost 'passed out'. On arrival to the ED the patient looked well and had no complaints except for palpitations: HR 190, BP 130/70. Lungs were clear, heart without an audible murmur and neuro exam was unremarkable. ECG shown is shown. What is the diagnosis and treatment?
This week at our EM/Cardiology interdisciplinary conference, Dr. Lisa Filippone presented a case of a 75 year old male who presented with acute SOB. This patient presented to the ED 3 days after a NSTEMI with hypotension and hypoxia. No injury pattern was identified on his ecg but his CXR was consistent with pulmonary edema. A bedside ECHO was performed that revealed the diagnosis....
The Urine Drug Screen (UDS) is a commonly used test in the emergency department, however there are many shortcomings that limit its diagnostic utility. The Urine Drug Screen is exactly that – a SCREENing and not a confirmatory test! This week Dr. Lauren Murphy educated us on: 1) the potential false positives and negatives of the UDAS and 2) the detection times that drug metabolites are at a concentration in the urine to trigger a positive result (cutoff value). Read ahead for the reference tables!
Knowing the mechanism of injury for your trauma patients is vital to anticipating potential injuries. Read ahead for some mechanism/injury pairings you are likely to see this summer:
The weather is finally warm and it is the time of year for more sports injuries. Keep reading for a quick review on finger dislocations and plalynx fractures.
How comfortable are you with eye complaints? This week during conference we reviewed the approach to ocular complaints while emphasizing specific can't miss pathology. Keep reading for some high yield pearls.
Are you a graduating senior resident? Looking for some great advice as you transition to independent practice? This week, four of our recent graduates, Drs. Smolar, Wilsey, Beck and Jablow, returned to provide words of wisdom about their first year out.
Have you cared for a paient dying from traumatic hemorrhagic shock despite maximum resucitation efforts? Dr. Zaffer Qasim from Christiana Care and @emmeddoc joined us for an outstanding talk on the use of REBOA in this patient population.
How should we manage a suspected line infection in a dialysis patient? This week our great nephrology team provided us pearls regarding catheter related bloodstream infections in addition to other valuable renal associated tips.
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