
Back to Basics: Swollen Joint

A 64M with history of opioid use disorder, HCV, HTN presented to the ED with left knee pain and swelling 10 days after mechanical fall onto that knee.  He was unable to bear weight.  His knee was extremely swollen with an effusion, warm, and he had severe pain with any ROM of the joint.  His X-ray negative for fracture.  What else could be causing this patient's swollen painful knee?

Category (Day): 

Critical Cases - Ankle dislocation!!

It's an ice storm in South Jersey! Thirty-four (34!) patients present within 4 hours with slip and falls and a veritable menagerie of orthopedic injuries. You see a 29 yo male who everted his ankle on the sidewalk. There is an obvious deformity. Should we order an xray and then call the orthopedics resident? No! We're going to reduce, splint, and discharge this patient ourselves....

Category (Day): 

Critically Appraised Topic: Operative vs. Non-operative Management of Humeral Shaft Fractures

Does surgical repair with internal fixation, as compared to nonoperative management with splinting/bracing, improve functional outcomes in patients with isolated closed humeral shaft fractures?

Category (Day): 
