Intubating the Sick Right Ventricle
Do you know how to intubate the patient with a sick right ventricle (i.e., pulmonary embolism, pulmonary hypertension, etc.)? Here's a video discussing how to intubate these patients?
Do you know how to intubate the patient with a sick right ventricle (i.e., pulmonary embolism, pulmonary hypertension, etc.)? Here's a video discussing how to intubate these patients?
Does rapid lowering of blood pressure improve outcomes in patients with ICH?
A 68 year old male presents with ALS for near syncope at home. ALS reports they found the patient diaphoretic, complaining of generalized weakness and inability to stand which began acutely an hour ago. His blood pressure on scene was 60/palp, which improved to 100 systolic with a 500 ml IVF bolus. "Shock eh?" you think as you approach the room. "Better bring the ultrasound...."
60 year old male, presents to the hospital as a cardiac arrest. After recognition of ventricular fibrillation, you successfully achieve ROSC with early CPR and defibrillation. The patient remains comatose. What is recommended post-resuscitation for this patient?
A 53 year old reported daily ETOH use presents via EMS for seizure at home. As you approach the stretcher you wrack your brain for the right treatment algorithm, realizing that this patient may die without the correct medications....
A recent publication from the National Emergency Airway Registry (NEAR) profiles the incidence and factors associated with peri-intubation cardiac arrest
A 71-year-old man suddenly develops severe chest pain and shock. What is on your differential diagnosis of tension hydropneumothorax?
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