Back to Basics: Toxic Shock Syndrome
Today's quick review of Toxic Shock Syndrome is brought to you by Dr. Lynn Manganiello.
Today's quick review of Toxic Shock Syndrome is brought to you by Dr. Lynn Manganiello.
· Aka Calcium Pyrophosphate Deposition Disease (CPPD)
· Findings:
o Deposits of calcium pyrophosphate crystals within the joint space-> seen as chondrocalcinosis (calcification of the cartilage) on x-ray
· Affected Groups:
o Age >50 years
o Both genders impacted equally
o Hemochromatosis
Dr. Manganiello covers the pearls regarding ovarian torsion.
"Put in a chest tube." Great. But which type of tube? Dr. Adorno's got you covered.
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It's pretty easy to remember what to do with unstable polymorphic VT/Torsades de Pointes (shock 'em!), but what are your options with recurrent stable episodes?
A few minute review of inflammation of the ole bile bag (aka cholecystitis).
Here are 10 fast facts for managing lithium toxicity in the ED setting.
Postpartum hemorrhage is the leading cause of maternal death worldwide. Here is a great review for management by the ED doc by Stacy Marshall, MD.
Quick and easy visual guide to anterior cord syndrome, central cord syndrome and Brown Sequard.
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